Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BB14 Quickie For July 31, Danielle's Harley Pic

Danielle told Shane last night that she was the Harley Davidson September 2012 calendar girl and thanks goes to OnlineBigBrother.com for finding the pic!

Frank Flirts With Wil
Wil is ticked off at his coach Janelle for telling him that he shouldn't be hanging out and talking with Frank because Frank is the enemy and against their own teammate Joe.  This makes Wil angry and even more determined to talk to Frank all the more! Since Frank is on the block and fighting for his life in the game and he see's that Wil is ticked at Janelle and is using this to try and get in close with Wil, even to the point of using his charisma and flirting a little, and Wil is loving every minute of it and flirting right back! ***Whatever it takes aye Frank?***

Later Janelle and Joe talk about the fact that they should of never been talking so much crap about Frank in front of Wil and even worse that they should never have told Wil that Frank could be bi-curious! ***Talking crap about people all the time usually backfires Janelle, how did you not learn this in grade school?***

And that is your Big Brother Quickie for the day!

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Monday, July 30, 2012

BB14 Update July 30, Frank's In Danger

My oh my how the tides have turned just since I went to bed last night!  When I went to bed, the plan was to leave nominations the same and Joe was the target, but this morning watching everything that happened in the night, Janelle and her team worked some magic to Britney & Shane and the plan now is that Ashley will be saved and Frank is going up on the block and Frank is the target to go home. ***I hate to say it but Shane can be swayed a little too easily***

Earlier in the evening Janelle had convinced Britney that the coaches were coming in the game and they HAD to get rid of Frank, but I didn't think at that point that Britney was going for it at all, but I guess she is ultimately worried about needing Janelle if that happens and she has convinced Shane. ***I do think the coaches will go in the game Thursday, but getting rid of Frank will be good for Britney, but bad for Shane!  He will wish he still had Frank to get the coaches out, but I also still think a house guest is coming back***

We will find out later today if Frank & Boogie can get back in Shane's head before the POV ceremony and get Shane back on track with them, so I will report back when that happens!

***POV Ceremony Update***
Frank & Boogie both did talk to Shane and Britney right before the ceremony, and they both pulled great game faces but stuck with their plan and in fact Shane did pull Ashley off the block and put up Frank.  When feeds came back on after, Boogie was apologizing to Shane for going nuts right away. So apparently Boogie was really mad, but Shane lied to him and convinced him and Frank that Frank is still safe, and he only put him up so that Joe for sure has the votes to go home.  So for now, Frank and Boogie both think that Frank is not being backdoored, but I still have hope that Boogie will figure this thing out and realize that the plan is to get Frank out and work some of that Chilltown magic! ***Please Boogie THINK!***

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

BB14 Update July 29, Party In The House!

Getting all dressed for the sushi party, won at the coaches comp.

Sharp dressed men!

Oh Shane, you so fine!

Backyard sushi party for the coaches, Shane & Danielle ONLY!

The other HG's inside decide to have fun on their own! 

They decide to dress up or down however you want to look at it, It is Wil's birthday as well!

Ian decides to dress down in nothing but his drawers until later when he decides to streak!

Jenn is donning her costume from the POV comp earlier yesterday.

The real party begins when the sushi party ends and they come inside to find that the HG's inside have been having more fun than those outside in the backyard!  Janelle starts it off by shoving cake in Wil's face and Wil immediately retaliates and then an outright food fight ensues.  This then leads into doing wine shots and Janelle even does a body shot off of Wil, but everyone else gets in on the shots too. ***Accept Joe & Ian who are on slop*** 

They then decide to play spin the bottle where everyone has a chance to kiss just about everyone including girls kissing girls and even Boogie kissing Wil on the cheeck.  Boogie laid a massive tongue and all kiss on Ashley, then when it was Ian's turn, he came at Ashley tongue hanging out (so awkward) and Ashley gave him a peck and pulled away fast.  Then Danielle and Shane had to kiss and it was a very short but sweet first kiss, but then Danielle pulls the girls into the bathroom and feels like it didn't go so well and hates that their first kiss was in front of everyone.  Then when they go back in the kitchen, Danielle is kind of all over Shane (wanting another kiss) and Dan literally walks over and takes Danielle by the arm and steers her over to the table and sits her down beside him. ***So much for Danielle keeping the showmance, or want of a showmance with Shane secret*** 

Then it gets mentioned that Ashley kissed two guys and she makes the comment that she would or rather had a kiss from Frank and the other girls go nuts and drag Ashley back into the kitchen and blab that Ashley wants a kiss from Frank.  Frank jumps up immediately, turns his hat around backward and dives in for a kiss with Ashley! ***So Ashley might actually like Frank, note taken***

By this time, the backyard is finally open again and they all run outside and make a hand arch for Wil to run through naked and jump into the pool, which he does! ***Talk about a lily white hiney*** 

And last but not least, father Dan and mother Britney go up to the HOH with Shane and Danielle and give them the dangers of a showmance talk.  Dan tells Shane that if he wants her, he will have to "put a ring on it" or at least a "power of veto" on it, which Shane immediately replies, that he can put a POV on it! ***This action by Dan kind of ticked me off, what are they teenagers?  They are grown adults and can get it on if they want to, because we would all love to watch, LOL***

This is what we have for a very short few minutes after Dan leaves! Then she goes downstairs to bed like a good little girl!

Very fun night in the Big Brother house... FINALLY!!! And one more just for kicks taken by bbdish...

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

BB14 Update July 28, Chilltown Part 2: Return of the Booginator

Chilltown Part 2: Return of the Booginator is in full affect!  They have done it again! They convinced Shane  not to put up Frank and if he doesn't Frank will work with Shane and keep him safe next week and Shane totally went for it and put up two of Janelle's players instead.  Joe and Ashley are on the block! ***I gotta give kudo's to Boogie & Frank, Shane was Frank's target less than a week ago and there is no retaliation. I cannot make up my mind, this is either really stupid of Shane or really brilliant, not sure which, LOL***

Joe being on the block of course has him really ticked and so is Wil because he knows if Janelle hadn't of won the coaches comp and saved him for the week, he would be on the block too!  But, Janelle has convinced all three of her team that they cannot be mad.  She said that now is the time they have to suck it up and literally kiss Shane's butt with everything in them.  So, Janelle makes each of them head right to Shane and tell him they are not mad knowing full well that they are.  Then Janelle heads up herself to go have a talk and she goes way overboard trying to convince them she and her team are NOT mad and that they can still backdoor Frank and that Janelle and her team want to still work with Britney and Shane and that they will have his back next week if they backdoor Frank. ***WOW Janelle can kiss butt really well because inside she is STEAMING***

Now, Danielle and Dan wanted Shane to put up one player from each of Janelle's & Boogie's teams and Danielle was literally ticked off bad that Shane went for the deal to save Frank instead.  Danielle feels like Shane betrayed her because Frank backdoored her last week and she easily could of gone home. But also Danielle is close with Janelle and wanted them to team with her and not Boogie. But Shane and Britney definitely took note of Danielle being so upset about the nominations. ***Watch it Danielle, you are showing your cards***

On another note, we find out some truth about Frank from a radio interview with his famous father Sid Vicious that apparently even CBS doesn't know about. Frank is in fact very much employed at a Resort Casino in Florida in their Marketing/HR department and is a wanna be actor and also very, very intelligent.  His father said that he made the national honor roll every year that he attended Memphis and Penn State Universities and makes very good money. ***Wow Frank, you are a triple threat for sure***

***POV Comp Update***
So Shane wins POV three weeks in a row!  And so far since feeds have come back on, the plan is to stick with getting Joe out! ***Way to go Shane, but wow you are putting a huge target on your back!***

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Brother 14 Update Summary for July 27th

Aren't they cute?  Folks we have a final 2 deal with Shane and Danielle and Britney is in agreement of this thinking that he is guaranteed the win if he takes Danielle to the end with him. As for noms, we have to wait and see who is possibly kept safe this week by the coaches competition later today, but Frank is the target and the plan is to put up Frank and Wil. *** Please let Dan win the coaches comp ***

Now onto the butt kissing... Joe was up early this morning making pancakes, eggs, bacon, kiwi, cantaloupe and juice. Now guess who the two people are that he was making it all for?  You guessed it, Shane and Britney!  He delivers breakfast in bed to them both up in the HOH room and says "this is my apology and royal ass kiss for the week"!  ***At least he admits it *** 

***Update Since Coaches Comp***
Janelle won the coaches comp and saved Wil.  Ian volunteered yet again to be a have not for the week because he is trying to set a Big Brother record for the most time on slop and Britney also put Joe on have not's as well.

Also since feeds have come back on since the coaches comp ended, they have all been scrambling trying to get in to talk to Shane and Britney about who's going on the block!  Well, after most of them have had their meetings, it looks as if Shane wants to actually make a deal and work with Frank.  They believe that if Frank will truly be loyal, that he and Shane could totally dominate the house. ***This would be a great idea IF they would both stick to it, especially with the coaches possibly going in the game*** So, this leaves Joe as the target this week.

We expect the feeds to go out again any time for the official nominations and I will update you all tomorrow on who Shane actually puts on the block!

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Big Brother 14 Update Summary for July 26th

Bye Bye JoJo!!! I must give it to the girl, she truly tried everything she could to stay, but the mob is still in full affect and she couldn't budge anyone with the exception of Joe who is playing dirty and swore on his kids and took 2 packs of cigarettes to throw her a vote, which Janelle told him he should change it to a carton so they would all have plenty to smoke after she is gone, because they are all running out.  Well, Joe finally realized last night that by doing that, he might tick off Danielle if she wins HOH next and puts him up because of his vote against her.  So Joe plans on going back on his deal and giving JoJo her ciggs back, but this hasn't happened yet, so we will see if he actually does it?  ***Shane did say he would be voting to keep JoJo because will stay loyal to his team and would be him out if he hadn't won the POV***

Now, I know Janelle has MAD FANS out there, but I have got to mention this!  Janelle is playing the biggest "mean girl" I have ever seen in that house!  For absolutely no other reason than her saying she was bored and wanted to start some shit, Janelle pulls Danielle to the HOH room and tells her that JoJo has been talking crazy crap about her and even said she was fat!  Then Janelle tried to get her to go confront JoJo about it. Danielle said no, that she would just start crying, and said she is just not that kind of person, but was very hurt by what Janelle was telling her and said that she would love for Janelle to go confront JoJo about it and that if she did, she would be right there beside her, but of course Janelle wouldn't.  ***Way to go Danielle for not allowing Janelle to goad you into a fight! And I know they all talk crap about each other, but I just can't figure why anyone would be that cruel for no game purpose at all?***

***I completely feel that these HG's are just NOT playing a good game!  They are NOT taking out any strong players or threats.  Two weeks in and only two tiny weak girls will be gone, when they could of even knocked out a coach!  What are these people thinking?  Willie tried to tell them and they just would not listen!  If the coaches go in the game, THEY WILL TEAM UP TOGETHER!  That would be enough for me to at least get rid of one when the opportunity presented itself! Oh well, I guess it will be another repeat of next year with the Vets taking over and making it to the end if these HG's don't WISE UP!!!

***Be sure and tune in to watch tonights episode and see if someone gets a few brain cells before JoJo walks out the door!***

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Brother 14 Update Summary, July 25th

This is what Shane and JoJo do when they are locked inside and bored!!! JoJo begged him to let her put make-up on him and he finally gave in.  He tried his hardest to get Danielle to kiss him with lipstick on and she was having none of it!  She was actually pretty disgusted by the make-up on him and kept pushing him away, so he took it off in a matter of no more than about 10 minutes. ***I must say, he was such a pretty man all made up, and my friend Shawna said he looked just like Adam Lambert, LOL***

OK onto game talk, we will start off with Janelle and her entire team being the ultimate floaters this year!  How ironic is this for Janelle, even she cannot believe she is a floater, but knows it is what she needs to do right now.  Janelle, is playing all 3 of the coaches and Ashley & Joe especially are also playing all sides!  So, the question is, who are they actually telling the truth to and who are they lying to? 

As for that question, Joe was bragging last night that he was totally lying to JoJo because she thinks she bribed Joe by giving him two packs of cigarettes to vote for her to stay this week, when even after taking the ciggs, he's going to vote her out!  While Janelle has been trying to convince her whole team to vote out Danielle to get rid of Dan, but they are sticking with what Frank wants and are voting out JoJo basically because they don't like her and are still associating her with Willie and believe she deserves to go. ***They are seriously thinking personal stupidity rather than whats the best move for them in the game, LOL***

There is also a lot of talk about who will win HOH on Thursday and Janelle's team feels like they truly need  to win it to feel safe and to get Shane out, but Frank is the back-up plan if Shane wins POV again.  While Boogie and Frank are falsely thinking that if someone on Janelle's team wins it, they are safe. ***Boogie, you really need Ian or Jenn to win it***

So, it looks like JoJo will be the one to go this week, but it could be another close call because Janelle is still trying her best to get her team to flip and take out Danielle. ***We will see on Thursday***

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Big Brother 14 Daily Update Summary, July 24th

The girls give Ian a mohawk and face bronzer!!! ***They may as well come right out and say, Ian, you have boring nerd hair and you are too pale, LOL***

Now, onto game talk, Ashley has a melt-down!  I think this entire game she has been so torn with which side to fall on.  She felt so close to Willie, JoJo, Shane & Britney last week, but she is on Janelle's team and they bailed on Britney last week, so Ashley had to make a huge decision last Thursday to do what her team said, or stick with the people she actually liked.  Well we all know that she did what her team wanted her to do and she voted out Kara.  So, yesterday she got so fed up with all the Willie bashing that is still going on and feeling like she is the dispensable one of her team, she had a total melt-down and cried because she feels like she made the wrong decision and should of stuck with Willie and kept Kara and if she had, Willie wouldn't of gone home and Kara would still be there.  She see's that even with Willie gone, he's still getting the blame for everything he didn't do. (Just today, Janelle can't find her make-up and Janelle said "Willie took it"!)  Ashley is so turned off by Janelle, Wil & Joe being so catty, and always talking crap about people! ***Poor girl, I really like her and I just hope her good conscience isn't going to hurt her game since the whole house now knows she has one***

Now, with all that said, Ashley has put herself in the very same position she was in last week torn between sticking with what her team wants her to do, and sticking with JoJo, Shane & Britney, the people she feels like truly care about her as a person and not just using her.  So again, it looks like Ashley will be the deciding vote weather JoJo or Danielle stays this week. ***Girl just can't catch a break, but I wonder since she feels bad about her decision last week, will she change it up this week and maybe go against her team?***

Let's talk about Jenn for the first time this year, LOL!  Jenn is ticking people off. Her normal personality is very quiet, but when she does speak up, she can be very abrasive and the other house guests don't like this at all! She has figured out that she is feeling like she is the dispensable one on her team as well and she is feeling paranoid and her paranoia had her going around to everyone yesterday and spreading rumors of who has final two deals in the house, when none of it is true. ***Good way to get Willie'd in this year's house Jenn***

That's pretty much all the good stuff for today!  See ya again tomorrow!!!

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Big Brother 14, Update Summary POV Used! July 22 & 23

Frank is HOH, JoJo & Shane are on the block and Shane wins POV.

There is a much lighter feel in the house with Willie gone, but not one of them can seem to stop talking trash about him. ***I absolutely agree that he did bring some of this on himself, and could of handled things much more calm and rational, but it is not 100% his fault, and I still say that he got a bad wrap by the mob mentality in the house and is still getting the blame for stuff he did not do or was blown way out of proportion to what he actually did do***

Danielle knows she is going on the block and had a good cry about it, got it out of her system and is now ready to fight to do whatever she can to stay in the house this week. ***Atta girl Danielle***

Now, sometime after the POV competition, Frank was a little upset that Shane won it, and yelled at some people, but we will have to wait until Wednesdays show to see what really happened.  But because of Frank yelling at them, Wil and Janelle are thinking they want Frank out as soon as possible.  On the flip side of this, Boogie and Frank are also talking about going after Janelle's team next week and even pull Shane into the deal and have him all set if Shane wins HOH next week for him to put up Wil and Joe. ***I love it, not three days and there is already talk of breaking up the mob of Janelle & Boogie's teams alliance, Janelle even called herself a floater last night, LOL***

On a lighter note, for the first time, they were able to stop talking game and just have some fun!  Janelle,  Britney, Danielle and Ashley all dressed up in pink and purple and put on massive make-up and did their hair up in pony tails and named themselves Trixie, Pixie, Dixie & Bixie.  Then Wil comes in dressed like a straight gangsta guy named Craig.  He teaches them a dance and they go out into the backyard and put on a show for all the other HG's and do their dance. ***This is a really fun time for them all and they really enjoy a bunch of laughter and fun with this***

***Update for July 23***
Boogie & Dan had a private meeting last night and Boogie made a deal to keep Danielle and to get her to get out Shane next week if she wins HOH.  This means that Boogie has made deals with Danielle and Shane to try and keep Frank safe next week.  ***Does this mean that for sure JoJo is going home?  No deals have been made with her?***

Today Shane in fact did use the veto to save himself and as planned, Frank put up Danielle as the replacement nomination.  ***Ouch for Danielle, it can't feel good to be back-doored, but she may very well be safe because as of now, the plan is to take out JoJo.***

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Big Brother 14, Updates & Spoilers, July 21, Willie Is Gone

Again I start another blog off with WOW and Holy Cow!!! Willie gets himself kicked out of the house!

So feeds come back after the coach competition yesterday and Janelle has won and left all the teams the same, but she has put JoJo, Shane & Willie on slop for the week.  Problem being this is Shane's second week in a row on slop and Willie has sworn he will never go on slop, so it is a slap in the face to him, even though he had to know this could happen.  He is so ticked off that he is yelling and screaming calling everyone names and such, but he runs up to the HOH room and tells them that they need to know that he will be leaving the house before they get a chance to vote him out, and that since he will be leaving, they need to stop taking their anger toward him out on JoJo and Shane.  Joe immediately tells Willie that they brought in on themselves by not changing their vote yesterday.  Willie goes back downstairs and Britney tries to calm him down to no avail. ***Who's the bully now Joe? Total mob mentality if you don't vote with us, you are out!***

Willie continues yelling that he is going to knock someone out to get kicked from the game and we lose feeds.  4 plus hours later, feeds come back on and we find out that Willie is in fact gone!  He threw pork rinds at Janelle and called her names.  He kicked a door several times and head butted and chest bumped Joe several times and this is when production guys rushed in and physically pulled Willie from the game.

Sadly, since Willie is gone, JoJo & Shane are still being treated like dogs and JoJo is even being called trash now by Wil, but of course not to her face. ***Isn't Wil the one that went around just yesterday saying he was the victim of being personally attacked? Gotta love the blatant hypocrisy***

Now what totally sucks is if Willie had of waited just 2 hours and been nominated before he went crazy, which he most definitely would of been, then it would of taken all Frank's power away and they would of completely redone a new HOH and nominations, so Frank would of had to win again, or lost all his power!  This is exactly what happened when Chima got pulled from the game because she was on the block. Darn you Willie, you went off just a little too soon!!!

 Shane & JoJo were nominated for eviction yesterday evening and Shane just won POV!  So, now it is down to replacing Shane for Danielle and figuring out who to take out this week, JoJo or Danielle, Dan or Britney, that is the question!

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Big Brother 14 Updates & Spoilers, July 20th

Frank - Head of Household

I absolutely don't get all the Willie hatred, but even fans are hating on him bad!  Last night was a complete we hate Willie rant!  My mind is just boggled that Frank & Joe did as much game talk, bossing, bullying, if not more than Willie did and yet Willie is the one being hung out to dry while Frank has been turned into the white night here to save the house against evil Willie. ***I truly think it is sad that Willie is getting such a bad wrap when he did one thing that was blown out of proportion and because Willie called Frank out on it, they have all turned him into the bad guy and especially Wil & Janelle think this gives them the right to call Willie every ugly name in the book like he's a dog, when that is what started it all in the first place that Willie imitated Wil, so now it is OK for them do it back at him ten-fold? I just don't get it***

The twist that the coaches can switch a player this week is number 1 on all the coaches minds last night and today.  Which none of the talk matters until we see which coach wins the competition today, but that will be very interesting! ***How funny would it be if Britney won and switched Willie for Wil or Joe, HAHAHA!***

Britney went into a major pity party last night and then got angry and took it out on Willie, telling him if he would of just listened to her and how he has not only messed up his own game, but has messed up his entire teams.  She really went off on him and he took it very well and let her speak her peace and he made her hug it out in the end. ***Most of what she said was very true, Willie would not be in this situation if he would of listened to her and not called the meeting or confronted Frank about spreading the lies about him, but for Willie, this was just about impossible to do.  I believe that Willie is truly a good guy, he just cannot stop himself from doing what he thinks he wants to do instead of what he should or shouldn't do.***

Most importantly though is that Willie is handling all this hatred toward him very well and is not giving up.  He will be fighting to do whatever it takes to stay in the game. ***Hold your tongue Willie and you could come out of this.***

Frank outright admits that he only told Joe & Wil about Willie mocking him to get them against Willie.  Boogie also says that he took a big risk by doing it and he wouldn't have done it. ***This could of easily gone the wrong way and cost Frank his game, but Wil & Joe went for it hook line and sinker based on Frank's word only!***

***Added Side Note***
One added side note, Kara is NOT available for interviews since leaving the house.  This could very well mean that the first few evicted house guests ill be in sequester and someone is coming back in the house!

Check back for updates of who wins the coaches competition and which player if any will switch teams.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Big Brother 14 Updates & Spoilers, July 19th

All the house guests will be sleeping most of the day.  I will tell you more about that in just a moment.

First off, I am noticing that not only the house, but the fans as well are pretty much split in half just in the last day or two over who they like and cannot stand in the house.  It seems that over the whole issue of Willie imitating Wil in a high pitched voice, and the whole "newbie meeting"  has everyone either loving Willie or hating him!  Half the fans and house guests see him as looking out for all their best interests.  While the other half are seeing him as a bossy, bully kind of person.  With that being said, mainly Wil, but also a few of the others that think he's a bully are going around the house doing nothing but spreading more lies about Willie and calling him white trash and stuff.  ***This boggles my mind that the people who hate being labeled and judged for who and what they are (Wil being gay) are the ones who talk the most crap about other people***

Janelle's team have jumped from working with every single team so far and have burned bridges with them all accept the one they are with now, which is Boogie's team.  So now, we have Janelle's team aligned with Boogie's.  Janelle is not really happy about this, but she knows her team have no other choice. But there is one person on Janelle's team that had a secret side alliance with Willie and she is the only one that actually likes Willie on their team and that is Ashley.  She is truly in a pickle for the vote on the show today because she wants to vote with Willie, but at the same time she doesn't want to go against her team and she also knows that the votes will give her away if she doesn't vote the way her team expects.  ***Watching her Diary Room sessions on the show tonight, should help give us a better idea of which way she truly would like to go.***

Now for the fun stuff!  Starting about 1:30am, they were all woken up and told to go to the living room for a BBTV Special Report.  They were woken up every hour or so throughout the entire night ending about 5:30 am this morning.  The special report included sayings for them to remember such as, "it's soon to be checkmate for this inmate", and "there's no teatime in the Big Brother house". ***I bet they will sleep most of the day, I just hope they wake up and remember all the "special reports" last night, because it is sure to be used in the HOH comp tonight***

Last but not least is a funny thing that happened last night.  Frank is sleeping in the same bed as Jenn and farts last night in the bed.  Jenn gets furious and says "I am still a lady".  She makes a huge deal of it to the point where she even says she might have to vote him out, (and she is dead serious too).  Frank apologizes over and over to no avail and finally says screw it, if I go home, over a fart, I go home! It won't be the 1st time my ass got me in trouble. ***OMG Jenn lighten up!  This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, how many times did Jeff fart in the bed with Jordan? And since when did farts stop being funny? LOL***

Don't forget to tune into the live eviction tonight at 9PM Eastern on CBS.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Big Brother 14 Updates & Spoilers, July 18th

Holy Cow... Week 1 and we have a HUGE blow up fight already!!! It all started yesterday with Frank running around telling that Willie mocked Wil in a high pitched "gay" voice making fun of him. This actually did happen, but it wasn't the way Frank made it out to be.  Willie in no way was making fun of Wil being gay, it was more of just imitating Wil's exact words earlier that day.  So, anyway because of the early morning meeting and because of Frank & Joe spewing crap about Willie, everyone is on a "Willie's gotta go" rant.  And of course, this gets right back to Willie that all this is going on and he goes right down to Frank and calls him out and yells at him to try and get the truth out that he never made fun of Wil being gay.  Frank pretty much holds his own pretty well and sadly Willie seems to be digging things deeper for himself, because he's the one that started all the yelling.  Anyway, it ends with Willie telling everyone that Frank is a liar and he hopes that everyone will vote him out!

Also, the fight didn't end without Boogie jumping in it too asking Willie why he thinks he's the boss of everyone telling them all how to vote.  And again, Willie said for everyone to vote who they wanted, but he hopes they all take out Frank. ***To a lot of the feeders Willie is coming across as a bully, and being bossy telling people what to do, but his words are for people to stop listening to others and to play their own game and do what is best for themselves. So, basically what I think the problem is is that his actions are a bit different than the words coming out of his mouth, maybe***

So, as of last night, it looks like Frank will stay because Janelle's entire team has teamed up with Boogie's team which includes Frank, and they all still want Willie gone, but Willie is now doing everything he can to get Frank voted out with all the other people in the house, which means also that Britney's team is now working with Dan's team as well, and just like everyday of this season so far, everything changes on a dime.

On a lighter note, JoJo was trying to get a little touchy feely with Willie last night, but Willie wasn't having it!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Big Brother 14, July 17th Updates & Spoilers

This has got to be the craziest season ever right from the beginning! These guys talk game from the time they wake up, until the time they go to bed and some of them talk game so much, they hardly even sleep!

Janelle is pretty ticked because she wants Frank gone because she likes Kara and two of her team are very close with Kara.  So, with her being ticked at Willie and because of the mentors possibly going into the game at a later point, Janelle turns to Dan and starts making future plans to work with him.  Also, Janelle spent a while yesterday trying to turn her own team against Willie telling them all that he had a deal with Boogie and Frank, which isn't really true accept for Willie's own safety next week since he can't play for HOH and will be just a one week guarantee not to put him up for keeping Frank safe this week.  (Although, Joe, Willie & Frank do have a side alliance going untill like the final 6, but Boogie is no part of it)

Willie also has a final three deal with JoJo & Ashley.

Britney gets the feeling that Janelle is ticked at her and her team because she knows about Janelle telling everyone that Willie had an alliance with Frank and even says that she is so sick of Janelle having to have all the attention all the time, LOL.  So, she knows she can't fully trust her.

Britney finally told Willie last night that Janelle and she think that the mentors will be joining the game at some point.  This information literally blew Willie's mind!  He was so disappointed at the thought of actually having to play against Boogie, Dan & Janelle.  He was so upset that he just could not even rest last night and  went down and started staring at the picture wall and sure enough, he realized that all 4 mentors have "key holes" under their pictures just like all the newbies do.  So now he is convinced that this will happen.

Willie goes to find Britney to see if she is still up and she is and he tries to convince her that tomorrow (which is today) that she needs to have a house meeting and tell all the newbies about this and get them all to agree that if it does happen, they all team up and get out Janelle, Boogie & Dan and leave her in because she is the one that told them all.  But Britney doesn't think this is a good idea and doesn't want to do that.

This morning, Britney & Willie are still arguing about Britney needing to tell all the newbies about the possible mentors twist and Britney is still refusing for now.

Britney still refused to have the meeting, so Willie told Joe and a few others that he wanted to have a meeting and so even before Willie said he was ready to do it, Joe took it upon himself to round everyone up and told them all Willie wanted a Newbies only house meeting, so they all go up stairs to the HOH with no mentors present and Willie proceeds to tell them all about the possible mentors twist coming and that they ALL need to do what is best for themselves and STOP doing what their mentors are telling them to do.  He convinced them that their mentors were totally using them to get what they want just until they get in the game themselves.  They all agree that if the twist happens, they will all work together to get the mentors out, so they don't win like Rachel did last year. And agree that they all need to do what is best for themselves and not their coaches.  Then, after saying they wouldn't, they all left the meeting and went and told their mentors exactly what was said, LOL!

Also Britney absolutely knows that Janelle bailed on her team and their deal last night and that she turned to Dan. ***Smart girl Britney***

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Big Brother 14, July 16th Spoilers & Updates

To start out on a light note, being prompted and egged on by Boogie, Dan & Britney, Ian asks Ashley out on a date.  Ashley says yes, and they get all gussied up in their finest outfits and have a very nice slop dinner just the two of them with some very nice conversation. ***This wasn't half as awkward as I thought it was gonna be***

Now onto the game... WOW, WOW and more WOW!  Willie and this entire cast are pretty much non-stop game talk.  My head is spinning!  Back and forth they go.  Keep Kara, keep Frank, back to Kara, back to Frank, and we have 4 days left until Thursday!

Team Janelle & Team Britney have a "meeting" and all decide to work together and form an alliance where  NOBODY in their 8 will be voted out before all the other HG's are gone. ***We will see how long this one lasts, because some of the best alliances of all time always have at least one person sacrificed***

Willie had a one on one meeting with JoJo last night and then later had a one on one with Ashley.  He talked almost the same conversation with both girls and it comes down to the fact that they think Britney is honest, but are doubting Janelle.  They think she is more of a schemer and are not sure if they can trust her.  So, because of this and also because of Wil and Joe being so close to Kara, they think that Kara may need to be the one to go this week if Willie can get Frank to make him a deal to throw the HOH comp for the next two weeks.  It also isn't helping that Ashley feels like her own coach, Janelle thinks she's just dumb and doesn't need to talk game with her or let her in on anything going on.  This makes Ashley feel that she is disposable to Janelle.  So Willie uses this to ultimately get Ashleys loyalty to him over her own coach, LOL!  ***Go WIllie***

Again, like I said before, it is round and round they go, where they stop nobody will know! ***Until Thursday***

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Big Brother 14, July 15th Spoilers and Updates...

First off, JoJo and Shane like playing pranks.  They get a condom and put some lotion in it and threw it into the shower.  JoJo goes outside and tells everyone that someone has done their business in the shower and she saw a condom in there.  They all go running to have a look and sure enough, everyone is grossed out by it and tries to find out who did it.  ***boredom setting in already***

Britney and Janelle have convinced themselves that right before the halfway/jury point in the game, there will be a twist where the mentors actually enter the game as regular players for the half million prize.  They used hair pins and gummy bears last night to try and figure out how many weeks they have and how many people they can get rid of before that happens and who they need to get rid of the most.  ***They truly believe they are in complete control over the game and that this twist is a fact, but I seriously doubt this is the case because they were promised a $100,000 prize to the winning "Mentor", but this is Big Brother and anything is possible***

Britney & Dan spent over an hour late last night coaching Ian on how to get women.  Britney did roll playing phone conversations with him and she and Dan critiqued him on what he was doing wrong.  By the end he said he was ready to use some of his new "moves" on Ashley tomorrow.  ***Go for it Ian***

Boogie was first up this morning and woke up to an ant infested kitchen.  He got really ticked and talked to the cameras telling us he was going to stir some shit and go off on everyone today because nobody has a mom in this house that will clean up behind them.  We will have to wait and see how bad he really goes off today.  ***Britney was the one that made cookies last night and left the wrapper right on the counter where she already knew there were ants crawling all around.  Come on Britney, you can't even throw your own garbage in the can? But it's not just Britney, most of them this season cannot even seem to wash out their own cups, let alone their trash and dishes, it is truly sad***

****POV Ceremony UPDATE***
Feeds just came back after the POV ceremony and Shane did NOT use the veto.  Nominations were kept the same with Kara and Frank on the block.  Bad thing is, right before feeds were blocked for the ceremony, Joe pulled Janelle a side and told her that Frank told him last night that he 100% wanted Willie & Shane out.  Well as soon as feeds come back on, we have the entire team Britney all talking about what Joe told Janelle about Frank.  So basically, last night Frank kicked himself in the butt by telling Joe that he wanted Willie and Shane out after spending the last two days convincing Willie he was not coming after him and wanted to work with him. ***When will these HG's learn to keep their mouths closed??? You cannot tell Willie that he is safe and you want to work with him and then go tell Joe you want to work with him and get Willie & Shane out, it will bite ya in the butt everytime!***

So, unless Frank can do some major damage control, he's now the one targeted to go home on Thursday!

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Big Brother July 14th Spoilers & Updates...

Nobody is liking Boogie because nobody thinks they can trust him because of his underhanded ways in past seasons to cut throats to get to the end.  Even the ones on his team actually hate that they are a target, just because Boogie is their mentor because they know that everyone wants Boogie gone and for that to happen, his team all have to be gone.  ***This is why I really don't like this twist because the newbies can't even play their own game, they are tied to teams and might not would even be as big a target if they didn't have a certain mentor***

I also cannot understand it, but NOBODY is liking Danielle?  Everyone is busting on her and thinks she is a complete moron and is getting on all their nerves??? I haven't figured this one out yet, but apparently she made some really bad moves in the POV competition and does nothing but lay around and won't even pick up behind herself in the house.  I guess we will find out more about this when Sundays show airs.

Britney & Willie have now convinced Janelle that Dan is the biggest threat in the house because he is an incredible coach and can smooth talk anyone!  So, this means that it is most important this week to knock out another of Dan's players so, he is down to one, which means that Kara has got to go!

Also, it is almost scary watching Boogie figure eveyone out in the house.  He has super common sense and puts 2 and 2 together REALLY well!  He has figured out that not only is Danielle NOT a kindergarten teacher, but that she has to be a nurse.  He has also figured out that Kara is a Playboy Playmate and that she lives or has lived at the Playboy Mansion.  He put this together after Kara told him the area of town she lived in and Boogie knew the Playboy Mansion was there and that she lived with four other girls there.  Also Joe told him that Janelle told him that she recognized Kara's name as a Playmate.  ***WOW, Boogie has some super spidey sense or something going on!

And last but not least, a few of the girls have noticed that every time they are in the shower, Ian is coincidentally always there brushing his teeth or some such thing, and they feel like he's prev'ing on them in the shower, LOL!  Boogie pulled Ian aside and told him what the girls were saying and he truly acted like he had no clue that he was doing anything.  He said that Jodi walked in on him taking a poop day 1, LOL!  ***I think it is just the girls being paranoid***

Well that's pretty much all the goods for yesterday and last night!

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Big Brother - Eviction Interview: Jodi

And there you have it... I personally do NOT think it is fair AT ALL to kick someone out the door day 1!  She didn't even have a chance!  All the time in sequester, the psych consult, and physical work-up and everything they go through before entering that house all to be kicked out the first few hours?  Major Bummer for Jodi!

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Spoiler Alert, First Night Of Live Feeds & POV Comp...

We have Ashley giving Ian a back rub last night!  Aww how sweet!

OK first off, thanks to Ian being a superfan, right after feeds spark up for the first time, he goes straight to the camera's and tells us that Frank and Kara are on the block and Ian, Shane, Ashley and Danielle are have nots for the week.

Janelle and Britney are teaming up and convincing all their "team" members that Boogie is the bad guy and nothing but a liar and will stab them all, and is telling them all that Frank has got to go home this week because he's the biggest threat in the house and by taking out Frank, it will hurt Boogie the most.

So for his own game, Frank out the gate is backed in a corner and better come out fighting and win the first POV competition or he is very much in trouble just because he's very likable, very physically fit and on Boogies team.  But, Frank and Boogie are doing a great job of convincing Willie that it is a better move for him to keep Frank in the game to have a bigger target than himself stay in the game. I think Willie is going for it too!

Also, the "mean girls" are in full force with Britney, Janelle and Wil talking crap about JoJo and Danielle.  Something about JoJo stealing a beer and just being annoying and Danielle for being too much of a "princess". Good Grief!

Apparently Willie has come clean about being a Hantz.  The other HG's were asking him questions about being on Survivor (like it was him and not his brother on Survivor???)!

********UPDATE POV COMP...
Now to the POV comp today... feeds came back to Team Britney all in the HOH room talking strategy.  Shane has won POV and apparently will not be using it.  Willie finally convinced Britney that they need to get rid of Kara instead of Frank, because it would benefit them the most because he doesn't feel like they can trust Janelle 100% and it will completely handicap Dan losing two people on his team. Also, leaving nominations the same will keep Willie from having to tick off a third person during his HOH.  So, as of this moment, Kara is a goner this week, but as you know in the BB house, things can change on a dime.

It also amazes me that in the course of one day, Willie was able to manipulate his own "mentor", Britney and get her head out of Janelle's butt and completely doing what he says!  Kudos to Willie right out the gate!!!

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Willie Hantz recognized in the Big Brother house day 1!

HAHAHA Willie Hantz, is already busted out by Ian right out the gate...

Video shared thanks to Big Brother Gossip Girl... @BigBrotherGG1


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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Leaked Photos Show 4 Returning House Guests...


                  Brittney                                                    Dan




  HAHAHA Ian carries around a teddy, how cute is that? I bet it's game-play to
  make everyone think he's not a threat!  Good move Ian, you look 12 yrs old!

 I am going to get vertigo looking at the have/have not room! Can you say Dizzy?

Thoughts anyone???

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Am A New Superpass Host!!!

Wahooooo!!! I am so excited to announce that I am one of the new hosts on Superpass for Big Brother 14.

My show will be every Monday on Superpass at 1PM Eastern/ 10AM Pacific with Missy! Here is the link with all the details and the other two hosts that made it on Reality Nation...

Video: New BB14 Hosts on SuperPass

Video: New BB14 Hosts on SuperPass


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