Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 5, Danielle UGHH! & Where Everyone Stands

Danielle UGHHHHH!!!!!
We all thought that Joe was the biggest story teller and exaggerator, well he's not!  While Joe does tell a lot of "fish" tales, the true exaggerator in the house goes to Danielle!  Anytime she ever has a one on one conversation with anyone, as long as nobody else was there to overhear it, she retells it while adding her own spin on it!  She did this with Janelle big time before she left the house and now she is doing the very same to Frank.  I believe this is her attempt at making them look worse than they really are to ensure they get voted out, and sure enough everyone else in the house accept Jenn, jumps right on the Frank bashing train. ***Most of the live feeders are so annoyed with this girl it is not even funny! Most of her retelling of things that other people said, she goes so far as to make up outright lies about what was actually said.  Has this girl forgotten that she is on camera 24/7 and all us feed watchers just witnessed what really happened that she's lying about? No that's not possible because she "poses" for the camera's all the time, which is sickening within itself to watch because there again, why on earth would anyone need to "pose" and make posing faces looking at herself in the mirrors all the time knowing full well they are on camera 24/7, ONLY Danielle UGHHHH!!!***

Where Everyone Stands
Frank - Still thinks he has the votes to stay, but is slightly feeling a little paranoid, but not enough to do much about it yet. Frank thinks he's with Jenn, Danielle & Dan, & with Shane on the side.

Joe - Feels pretty sure he's not going home and as always jumps on the bandwagon of all the Frank bashing going on in the house. Joe thinks he's with Shane & Danielle, with Ian on the side.

Jenn - Has changed her mind about wanting Frank out and is trying to get others to keep Frank for at least one more week. Jenn thinks she's with Frank, Danielle & Dan.

Ian - Could decide who goes home if there is a tie and if this happens he will send home Frank.  Ian thinks he's with the "Quack Pack" (Dan, Danielle & Shane)

Danielle - Has done nothing the last two days but bash Frank behind his back and make up stuff about things he's said. She thinks she's with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Dan, Shane & Jenn.

Dan - Has continually told Frank he will honor his word to him, but has no intention of doing so. He thinks he's with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Frank, Ian & Danielle.

Shane - Wants Frank out, only because everyone else does, he thinks he is with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Danielle.

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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