Monday, June 18, 2012

Big Brother 14 starts July 12th!

What we know so far... our addiction begins July 12, 2012 at 9PM EST.  We have also been told through the first commercials that this season will be SUPER SIZED and will have more house guests than any prior season.  So with that being said, unless I am wrong, I believe the most house guests ever before was 16 when they payed in pairs the first half of the game and went home in pairs.  So with that being said, this should meant at least more than 16 house guests.  WOW!  This should be good!  Could this mean they will play in teams again, or get booted in pairs?  We shall see!

The only other information we have been given so far is the fact that there will be 4 Surprises, (Not Twists) but surprises! This could mean absolutely anything, so I have no speculations here.  Just that it is totally building the excitement to say there will be huge surprises going on. I love the twists, but surprises should be good too!

Well I guess that's all for now, so until we hear something new...


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