Sunday, September 16, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 16, Part 2 Of The Final HOH

Ian has won part 2 of the final HOH competition. Danielle went from complete anger last night to complete meltdown.  She is partly faking her anger toward Ian telling him that if he takes Dan to the finals, she will NOT vote for him and will make sure that Shane won't either, but she is also upset because she knows that Dan had this planned all along by getting Shane out just in case they were in this exact situation, he would be good!  But her anger toward Dan is still a "show" for Ian and she's not really mad at him? ***Danielle YOU SHOULD BE MAD FOR REAL... Geeeez girl, YOU had the power and had Dan AND Ian on the block less than a week ago and you gave up your own power, so you only have yourself to blame!***

Dan And Ian Are On Their High Horses
Dan and Ian spent the night last night congratulating themselves on their wins and bragging about how they got there. Dan also had a moment alone and talked to the camera's and said that he is considering throwing part 3 of the final HOH so he doesn't have to be the one to kick out either of them knowing Ian will take him anyway.  He also added that this shows that he does have a conscience. ***Seriously Dan?  How is it showing a conscience?  You just don't want the blood on your hands and to lose another jury vote from your DIRTY games!  The other house guests maybe THAT stupid to believe your non-sense, but you are only lying to yourself because us feeders know you have ulterior motives for YOURSELF and it has nothing to do with you having a conscience!***

My Thoughts About How It Will All Go Down
Basically if Dan wins the final HOH, he is taking Danielle to be able to tell the jury that he "took" his newbie all the way to the finish. But if Ian wins the final HOH, he will be taking Dan because he is still blinded by the "Renegades" alliance and thinks Dan is still loyal to him.  So, if Dan wins it, it will be another HUGE blindside to Ian. But if Dan throws it to Ian, it will go as planned and Ian will take out Danielle.  I do believe though that either way, Dan will still play dirty and throw out every move that Ian and Danielle did "just because he told them to", and it will all be a matter of if the Jury thinks Dan's low down dirty tactics was "good game" or if it was crossing a line with all the swearing on peoples lives and thinking it should of been played with at least a little bit more honor.  That will be the deciding factors.***I personally don't think it is good game play when you continue to dupe people over and over, YOU ARE CREATING enemies and NOT playing a good social game when you do so and I hope that Dan's low down dirty play gets him in the end, although I know some of you believe there are no holds barred and the dirtier the better in the game of Big Brother and Dan deserves the win.***

And that is your Last and FINAL Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day for Season 14! Thank you all for reading my updates! I appreciate each and every one of you!

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Friday, September 14, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 14, Are We Being Punked?

Can someone PLEASE tell me this entire season of Big Brother was a big ole punk? Ashton Kutcher are you messing with us? These people cannot be this stupid?  But I am afraid they can!  The above picture looks like Dan is asking God for forgiveness right before he starts swearing AGAIN!  Ian fell pretty early in, I don't believe he even lasted an hour.  There is some controversy whether he fell after making a deal with Dan or if he truly tripped up and fell?  Feeds were blocked and we will all have to judge for ourselves when they show it on the real show.  Dan and Danielle stayed on about another 30 minutes or so when Dan started convincing Danielle that she needed to fall and let him win this first part of the HOH because she was better at comps than he was and she would do better going head to head against Ian in part 2.  After swearing on his wife AGAIN, sure enough Danielle falls giving Dan the win for part 1! *** WOW, Just WOW!!! Even a lab rat won't keep going back for more after being burned 4 TIMES!!! Good Grief! And I thought I couldn't be any more disgusted with this season, LOL!***

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming
Last night while Ian is in the Diary Room, Dan talks to Danielle and convinces her to lie to Ian about being FURIOUS with him for taking out Shane after giving her his word he wouldn't, so that Ian will be so confident that she will love nothing better than to take Dan out in the 3rd position and take Ian to the final 2, so he will THROW the comp and let her have the satisfaction of taking out Dan to get back at him. So, when Ian comes out of the DR, sure enough Danielle goes to work spending a long time calling Dan every name in the book, which Ian jumps on the bandwagon too, still being blown away at Dan's antics yet again, and they go on and on about how "dirty" Dan is playing and even Ian is pretty disgusted at how low Dan will go. ***So, at this point we have no clue if he will truly throw the 2nd part of the comp to Danielle or not, but he sure bought into her reasons for doing it!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Thursday, September 13, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 13, Is Anyone In This House NOT A Puppet?

Is Anyone In This House NOT A Puppet?
Holy Cow, they ARE all just puppet's!!! Danielle has won HOH and POV.  She nominated Dan and Ian and has already told Dan she will be saving him and of course this means that Shane will be the only replacement possible.  So, Danielle is taking all her power and giving it to Dan!  And Dan alone will decide if Ian or Shane goes home tonight! Danielle thinks that Dan wants Ian out because he will be harder to beat than Shane next week, but the question is, will Dan vote out Shane instead to ensure that if Danielle wins the next HOH, she will take Dan and not even be tempted to take Shane to final 2? ***Again, I cannot believe these people are this dumb?  Seriously Danielle, win all the power and GIVE it all to Dan? Everyone saying Dan is just that good... NO, I disagree!  Everyone else is just THAT BAD!!! For the first time in Big Brother history, I actually hope the jury holds a grudge over Dan this time and votes for whoever is sitting next to him as the winner! I am just THAT sick at this whole season!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Monday, September 10, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 10, POV Ceremony Results & My Rants

Not smiling so much now!  Shane has used the POV and taken himself off the block and Ian replaced Shane with Danielle.  Which means that Danielle and Jenn are both on the block and one will be going home tomorrow which we will not see until Wednesday nights show.  So, Ian, Dan and Shane are guaranteed in final 4. Jenn yelled at Ian for not putting up Dan and wanted answers as to why? Ian's excuse was that he needed to separate Dan and Danielle, which Jenn then replies you couldn't of done that putting Dan up?

My Rant Of Total Frustration With These People!
 ***Sorry Jenn, but you are too little, too late!  Where were you yesterday when you should of been ensuring that Dan was the replacement nomination and if not, spilling all the information you have about Dan and Danielle?  You KNEW Ian was the target last week and you KNEW that Shane was this weeks target, PLUS you even knew that Danielle and Dan were in on the whole Frank back dooring Britney thing and that Danielle was "faking" being mad at Dan the whole time after his funeral!  So why not tell all this information and save yourself?  I am just as mad at Danielle!  Are you KIDDING me?  This girl volunteered to go on the block ensuring Jenn would go home and not Dan. This has to be the stupidest move EVER!  You KNOW that no female has ever won this game against a guy, plus why would you risk yourself for Dan? Seriously??? And I am sorry, but other than Dan having good persuasion tactics, he's NOT this good, it is more that all these others are JUST THAT BAD AT THIS GAME!!! And Ian, OMG! Seriously kid? You have been given every red flag on the planet that Dan is NOT with you and you are so blinded by the Quack Pack being final 4, that you cannot even see it! Let's not forget that Dan told you 3 days ago that he would "rip your face off" if you didn't vote the way he wanted you to.  OMG what is wrong with these people??? At least Shane didn't fall for not using the POV and staying on the block, so kudo's to Shane for saving himself at least!***

Feeds will be blocked tomorrow and won't be back on until after Wednesday nights show, so unless something worth mentioning happens tonight, there will be no quickie for tomorrow or Wednesday.

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Sunday, September 9, 2012

#BB14 Quickie For Sept 9, Sunday Musings...

I read BBdish's blog this morning entittled  "Sunday Musings" and it explained everything so well and gives insight into what each houseguest is facing that I am posting the link to that blog and hope everyone will click on it and read the possible scenario's of what could happen today and tomorrow before someone is evicted this Tuesday! Shane did win the POV yesterday, but there are three different ways this could go.  Please go read Carolyn's Sunday Musings on BBdish as her thoughts are right on! Here's the link...

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Saturday, September 8, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 8, Who's On The Block?

Who's On The Block
Shane and Jenn were nominated for eviction this week.  Shane is handling it pretty well and doesn't even seem to mind that much.  He keeps saying that he just needs to win the POV.  Jenn on the other hand, was visibly ticked and in a very sarcastic manner, congratulated Dan & Danielle for not getting nominated.  She has since calmed down and expressed that she was just upset to be on the block yet again but understands and is now fine. ***Shane and Danielle both feel pretty safe though because they have been assured that they are BOTH safe this week no matter if neither wins the POV.  UGHH come on guys, you both cannot be safe, why not have a conversation and compare notes with each other and figure this mess out?*** 

Ian Thinks Jenn Is Still The Target
Ian still has no clue that Dan is working with Jenn and Danielle and that the plan is to get Shane out. Ian even believes that if Jenn were to win the POV, if he puts Danielle up, she would be the one to go home. ***As bad as it hurts me to say it, Danielle and Dan are the ONLY two people with any common sense in that house AT ALL! The others are so clueless that they are being led around by the nose, I literally find myself yelling at my TV and computer screens, LOL***

***Later today will be the all important POV comp that will insure the winner final 4***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Friday, September 7, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 7, HOH Winner & Possible Noms

And The HOH Winner Is...
Feeds come back on to this view of Ian wearing the HOH room key, which means he's won HOH again this week!  Shortly after feeds come back on, we see Ian tell Dan that he is definitely putting Jenn up and that he will be putting Dan up to make everyone think he is retaliating and at the same time hiding their final two deal. Dan let's it go for the moment and says OK, we will talk about it later and walks away.  Very soon after, Dan's already back all over Ian convincing him not to put him up and instead putting Shane up.  So, as it stands now Jenn and Shane should be the nominee's today. ***Wow, Ian's head is growing bigger by the moment.  He truly believe's he's made all the greatest moves in the game and is completely running the house but the funny thing is, he's actually done nothing that he hasn't been told to do by Britney and Dan! Ian still seems to have no clue that had he not of won that POV on the live show last night, he would of been the one out the door and not Joe. So, as book smart as this kid is, he's not smart enough to see through Devil Dan's mist, because he's allowing himself to be lead around by the nose yet again and doesn't even know it!***

Shane Is The Target
Is seemed to me last night that Shane is now being targeted.  The intended target was Ian, but since that isn't a possibility, Shane is the one they all seem ready to cut loose now.  Danielle spent a good deal of time last night talking to Jenn and then Dan telling them both how Shane is getting on her nerves and basically trying to distance herself from him. It is sort of the same thing she has done several times now in the past to Janelle and just last week to Frank, ensuring that other people are against the person to vote them out.  The only difference this time is, she talks a bunch of crap about him, then an hour or so later, she is privately snuggling and cuddling with him in bed together.***I believe that for her game, she is ready to roll without Shane, but she will be milking his cuddling and attention's for all it's worth as long as she can!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!     

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 5, Danielle UGHH! & Where Everyone Stands

Danielle UGHHHHH!!!!!
We all thought that Joe was the biggest story teller and exaggerator, well he's not!  While Joe does tell a lot of "fish" tales, the true exaggerator in the house goes to Danielle!  Anytime she ever has a one on one conversation with anyone, as long as nobody else was there to overhear it, she retells it while adding her own spin on it!  She did this with Janelle big time before she left the house and now she is doing the very same to Frank.  I believe this is her attempt at making them look worse than they really are to ensure they get voted out, and sure enough everyone else in the house accept Jenn, jumps right on the Frank bashing train. ***Most of the live feeders are so annoyed with this girl it is not even funny! Most of her retelling of things that other people said, she goes so far as to make up outright lies about what was actually said.  Has this girl forgotten that she is on camera 24/7 and all us feed watchers just witnessed what really happened that she's lying about? No that's not possible because she "poses" for the camera's all the time, which is sickening within itself to watch because there again, why on earth would anyone need to "pose" and make posing faces looking at herself in the mirrors all the time knowing full well they are on camera 24/7, ONLY Danielle UGHHHH!!!***

Where Everyone Stands
Frank - Still thinks he has the votes to stay, but is slightly feeling a little paranoid, but not enough to do much about it yet. Frank thinks he's with Jenn, Danielle & Dan, & with Shane on the side.

Joe - Feels pretty sure he's not going home and as always jumps on the bandwagon of all the Frank bashing going on in the house. Joe thinks he's with Shane & Danielle, with Ian on the side.

Jenn - Has changed her mind about wanting Frank out and is trying to get others to keep Frank for at least one more week. Jenn thinks she's with Frank, Danielle & Dan.

Ian - Could decide who goes home if there is a tie and if this happens he will send home Frank.  Ian thinks he's with the "Quack Pack" (Dan, Danielle & Shane)

Danielle - Has done nothing the last two days but bash Frank behind his back and make up stuff about things he's said. She thinks she's with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Dan, Shane & Jenn.

Dan - Has continually told Frank he will honor his word to him, but has no intention of doing so. He thinks he's with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Frank, Ian & Danielle.

Shane - Wants Frank out, only because everyone else does, he thinks he is with the "Quack Pack" & has a final 2 deal with Danielle.

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!    

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 4, Repeat Of Week Three

Repeat Of Week Three
Frank & Joe are on the block just like they were in week three.  Dan used the POV and saved Jenn to repay her for saving him last week and Joe was the re-nom.  Sadly it seems that nothing will save Frank this time as Joe is just the pawn and the entire house is in for finally getting Frank out.  This will be a complete blindside for Frank though because just a week ago, he made a final 4 deal with Dan, Danielle & Jenn, and they are all on board to vote him out, while he thinks he has the guaranteed votes to stay. ***I want to say poor Frank, because I really like him, but this is a game and he did make mistakes, but I still feel bad that not one person other than Boogie could be loyal to the guy for even one measly week of safety the entire game accept the weeks he was HOH, then they were all kissing his butt and making deals with him they had no intention of keeping, so yea, I will say it... Poor Frank and WAY TO GO for being in the game this long while having to win and fight to stay every single week the entire season accept the weeks you were HOH and again had to win for your own safety!***

Girl's Alliance?
I get the feeling that Danielle & Jenn are getting so close that they are beginning to realize that they really need to get the guys out! ***This would be a VERY smart move, but can they get the guys to keep winning HOH's and knock each other out while leaving them both alone? This will be fun to see because neither of the girls have a chance of winning against ANY of the guys in the final 2, accept maybe Joe, LOL!  But I won't lie, I would LOVE to see the girls make it to the end mainly because Dan and Ian are both so cocky (Dan has called himself "King" and Ian thinks he's smarter than everyone else, which he probably is, but still!) I totally want to see Dan and Ian BOTH walk out the door, being beat by girls, that would be SWEET! But then again, Danielle has a final 2 deal with not only Jenn, but Dan and Shane as well, and is swearing to all three of them that she will never go against them, so what will eventually happen all depends on who wins HOH comps and who gets knocked out, but Danielle is pretty covered on all sides!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!    

Sunday, September 2, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 2, Dan Get's A Birthday Present

Dan Give's himself a Birthday Present
Dan give's himself a birthday present by winning the POV!  And since he won it, he is playing everyone like a fiddle!  He has convinced Ian that the best move for them both is for Dan to pull Jenn off the block to re-pay her for pulling Dan off last week and what Ian doesn't know is that this will insure that Frank and Jenn believe that Dan is sticking with the plan that he's still "with" them, while he's actually insuring that Frank and Joe will have an equal amount of votes and Ian will have to be the one to vote Frank out by breaking the tie insuring Ian get's the blood on his hands and not Dan's. I am not sure that Dan will do that, but he has made it a possibility. Dan has also made a final two deal with Ian (taking the place of the final two deal he had with Britney) and he made sure yesterday that Ian knew that he could not tell a soul about it. ***Ian that is a HUGE red flag right there that you are getting played just like Frank!***

All The Sheep, I Mean House Guests Want Frank Out!
Danielle has also gone to work on Jenn trying to get her to turn against Frank as well, and it seems to be working!  Jenn is already telling Danielle that she knows that Frank has made deals with everyone and she doesn't like it!  ***Who in that house hasn't made deals with everyone this season? That is the whole problem since day 1! The whole house seems to turn into a mob and flock of sheep. The minute the person in power targets someone, the whole house jumps on the bandwagon and turns against the person too.  This makes absolutely no sense to me? Almost every other season there have been "sides" that people stick to and at least show a bit of loyalty. This crew has very little loyalty, and one minute will be kissing your butt and the next minute the whole house wants you gone!  The best example of this is Joe who is also all of a sudden tickled to death again to be getting Frank out and cannot seem to stop himself from bashing everything about him, while just two days ago, was assuring Frank that he would do his best to win the POV and pull him off the block. Willie said it best week one, these people are nothing but SHEEP, and boy was that ever the truth!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!    

Saturday, September 1, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 1, Nominations And Frank Is Naive

Frank is on the block YET AGAIN and Jenn is nominated as well.  Poor Frank has been on the block EVERY SINGLE WEEK that he's not been HOH this entire season!

Frank Is Naive
Needless to say, Frank doesn't have much of a choice at this point in the game with who to trust, but he is a bit too trusting and is going to get burned yet again!  He is naive enough to believe he still has a final 4 deal with Dan, Danielle & Jenn even though Dan did not go on the block for eviction. Frank is being so naive in fact that he is planning on throwing the POV competition to Dan or Danielle so that Jenn can be saved off the block and they will have the numbers to keep him from going home this week so that all 4 of them can stay in the house this week and go on to be the final 4 like they planned. ***Frank it is an awesome plan and would work perfectly, BUT Dan is not a "we" anymore!  He and Danielle flipped the minute they both fell off that rope Thursday night and needed to use someone else to stay safe this week! Frank you are smart enough to know that Ian and Dan have played you before... come on wake up and recognize bubba, Dan's key came out of the box son!***

Frank Must Win POV
So, basically if Frank does not win the POV today... HE GONE!  Meanwhile, Dan put the "mist" on Ian last night. (Britney & Janelle in the beginning of the game, named Dan's talking as "the mist" when he gets you alone into conversation and pulls you right in to doing whatever he says.) Dan was making points to get Ian to take Dan to the final 2 with him, throwing everyone including Danielle under the bus, making sure that Ian thinks that he couldn't win against any of them. ***Again smooth move Dan! I would have a new respect for  Ian if he could see through Dan's mist and realize that he is only using him just like everyone else he has this entire game! And I still have hope that Frank will wake up and realize that his butt is on the line and inform Ian that Dan ratted him out last week telling him everything and blaming Ian for it all and that Danielle was in on it as well and faked being upset to Britney all week! If Ian figures out he cannot trust Dan, then he might just keep Frank because he would also know that he has nobody left in the game either!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

Follow me on Twitter!/BigBrotherGab1 & "like" me on Facebook Please & Thank you!!!