Saturday, September 1, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 1, Nominations And Frank Is Naive

Frank is on the block YET AGAIN and Jenn is nominated as well.  Poor Frank has been on the block EVERY SINGLE WEEK that he's not been HOH this entire season!

Frank Is Naive
Needless to say, Frank doesn't have much of a choice at this point in the game with who to trust, but he is a bit too trusting and is going to get burned yet again!  He is naive enough to believe he still has a final 4 deal with Dan, Danielle & Jenn even though Dan did not go on the block for eviction. Frank is being so naive in fact that he is planning on throwing the POV competition to Dan or Danielle so that Jenn can be saved off the block and they will have the numbers to keep him from going home this week so that all 4 of them can stay in the house this week and go on to be the final 4 like they planned. ***Frank it is an awesome plan and would work perfectly, BUT Dan is not a "we" anymore!  He and Danielle flipped the minute they both fell off that rope Thursday night and needed to use someone else to stay safe this week! Frank you are smart enough to know that Ian and Dan have played you before... come on wake up and recognize bubba, Dan's key came out of the box son!***

Frank Must Win POV
So, basically if Frank does not win the POV today... HE GONE!  Meanwhile, Dan put the "mist" on Ian last night. (Britney & Janelle in the beginning of the game, named Dan's talking as "the mist" when he gets you alone into conversation and pulls you right in to doing whatever he says.) Dan was making points to get Ian to take Dan to the final 2 with him, throwing everyone including Danielle under the bus, making sure that Ian thinks that he couldn't win against any of them. ***Again smooth move Dan! I would have a new respect for  Ian if he could see through Dan's mist and realize that he is only using him just like everyone else he has this entire game! And I still have hope that Frank will wake up and realize that his butt is on the line and inform Ian that Dan ratted him out last week telling him everything and blaming Ian for it all and that Danielle was in on it as well and faked being upset to Britney all week! If Ian figures out he cannot trust Dan, then he might just keep Frank because he would also know that he has nobody left in the game either!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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