Friday, September 7, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Sept 7, HOH Winner & Possible Noms

And The HOH Winner Is...
Feeds come back on to this view of Ian wearing the HOH room key, which means he's won HOH again this week!  Shortly after feeds come back on, we see Ian tell Dan that he is definitely putting Jenn up and that he will be putting Dan up to make everyone think he is retaliating and at the same time hiding their final two deal. Dan let's it go for the moment and says OK, we will talk about it later and walks away.  Very soon after, Dan's already back all over Ian convincing him not to put him up and instead putting Shane up.  So, as it stands now Jenn and Shane should be the nominee's today. ***Wow, Ian's head is growing bigger by the moment.  He truly believe's he's made all the greatest moves in the game and is completely running the house but the funny thing is, he's actually done nothing that he hasn't been told to do by Britney and Dan! Ian still seems to have no clue that had he not of won that POV on the live show last night, he would of been the one out the door and not Joe. So, as book smart as this kid is, he's not smart enough to see through Devil Dan's mist, because he's allowing himself to be lead around by the nose yet again and doesn't even know it!***

Shane Is The Target
Is seemed to me last night that Shane is now being targeted.  The intended target was Ian, but since that isn't a possibility, Shane is the one they all seem ready to cut loose now.  Danielle spent a good deal of time last night talking to Jenn and then Dan telling them both how Shane is getting on her nerves and basically trying to distance herself from him. It is sort of the same thing she has done several times now in the past to Janelle and just last week to Frank, ensuring that other people are against the person to vote them out.  The only difference this time is, she talks a bunch of crap about him, then an hour or so later, she is privately snuggling and cuddling with him in bed together.***I believe that for her game, she is ready to roll without Shane, but she will be milking his cuddling and attention's for all it's worth as long as she can!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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