Getting all dressed for the sushi party, won at the coaches comp.
Sharp dressed men!
Oh Shane, you so fine!
Backyard sushi party for the coaches, Shane & Danielle ONLY!
The other HG's inside decide to have fun on their own!
They decide to dress up or down however you want to look at it, It is Wil's birthday as well!
Ian decides to dress down in nothing but his drawers until later when he decides to streak!
Jenn is donning her costume from the POV comp earlier yesterday.
The real party begins when the sushi party ends and they come inside to find that the HG's inside have been having more fun than those outside in the backyard! Janelle starts it off by shoving cake in Wil's face and Wil immediately retaliates and then an outright food fight ensues. This then leads into doing wine shots and Janelle even does a body shot off of Wil, but everyone else gets in on the shots too. ***Accept Joe & Ian who are on slop***
They then decide to play spin the bottle where everyone has a chance to kiss just about everyone including girls kissing girls and even Boogie kissing Wil on the cheeck. Boogie laid a massive tongue and all kiss on Ashley, then when it was Ian's turn, he came at Ashley tongue hanging out (so awkward) and Ashley gave him a peck and pulled away fast. Then Danielle and Shane had to kiss and it was a very short but sweet first kiss, but then Danielle pulls the girls into the bathroom and feels like it didn't go so well and hates that their first kiss was in front of everyone. Then when they go back in the kitchen, Danielle is kind of all over Shane (wanting another kiss) and Dan literally walks over and takes Danielle by the arm and steers her over to the table and sits her down beside him. ***So much for Danielle keeping the showmance, or want of a showmance with Shane secret***
Then it gets mentioned that Ashley kissed two guys and she makes the comment that she would or rather had a kiss from Frank and the other girls go nuts and drag Ashley back into the kitchen and blab that Ashley wants a kiss from Frank. Frank jumps up immediately, turns his hat around backward and dives in for a kiss with Ashley! ***So Ashley might actually like Frank, note taken***
By this time, the backyard is finally open again and they all run outside and make a hand arch for Wil to run through naked and jump into the pool, which he does! ***Talk about a lily white hiney***
And last but not least, father Dan and mother Britney go up to the HOH with Shane and Danielle and give them the dangers of a showmance talk. Dan tells Shane that if he wants her, he will have to "put a ring on it" or at least a "power of veto" on it, which Shane immediately replies, that he can put a POV on it! ***This action by Dan kind of ticked me off, what are they teenagers? They are grown adults and can get it on if they want to, because we would all love to watch, LOL***
This is what we have for a very short few minutes after Dan leaves! Then she goes downstairs to bed like a good little girl!
Very fun night in the Big Brother house... FINALLY!!! And one more just for kicks taken by bbdish...