Saturday, July 21, 2012

Big Brother 14, Updates & Spoilers, July 21, Willie Is Gone

Again I start another blog off with WOW and Holy Cow!!! Willie gets himself kicked out of the house!

So feeds come back after the coach competition yesterday and Janelle has won and left all the teams the same, but she has put JoJo, Shane & Willie on slop for the week.  Problem being this is Shane's second week in a row on slop and Willie has sworn he will never go on slop, so it is a slap in the face to him, even though he had to know this could happen.  He is so ticked off that he is yelling and screaming calling everyone names and such, but he runs up to the HOH room and tells them that they need to know that he will be leaving the house before they get a chance to vote him out, and that since he will be leaving, they need to stop taking their anger toward him out on JoJo and Shane.  Joe immediately tells Willie that they brought in on themselves by not changing their vote yesterday.  Willie goes back downstairs and Britney tries to calm him down to no avail. ***Who's the bully now Joe? Total mob mentality if you don't vote with us, you are out!***

Willie continues yelling that he is going to knock someone out to get kicked from the game and we lose feeds.  4 plus hours later, feeds come back on and we find out that Willie is in fact gone!  He threw pork rinds at Janelle and called her names.  He kicked a door several times and head butted and chest bumped Joe several times and this is when production guys rushed in and physically pulled Willie from the game.

Sadly, since Willie is gone, JoJo & Shane are still being treated like dogs and JoJo is even being called trash now by Wil, but of course not to her face. ***Isn't Wil the one that went around just yesterday saying he was the victim of being personally attacked? Gotta love the blatant hypocrisy***

Now what totally sucks is if Willie had of waited just 2 hours and been nominated before he went crazy, which he most definitely would of been, then it would of taken all Frank's power away and they would of completely redone a new HOH and nominations, so Frank would of had to win again, or lost all his power!  This is exactly what happened when Chima got pulled from the game because she was on the block. Darn you Willie, you went off just a little too soon!!!

 Shane & JoJo were nominated for eviction yesterday evening and Shane just won POV!  So, now it is down to replacing Shane for Danielle and figuring out who to take out this week, JoJo or Danielle, Dan or Britney, that is the question!

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