Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 14, Wil's Devastated

Wil's Devastated
This is the look of pure devastation on Wil's face right after the POV ceremony.  The plan to backdoor Dan did not happen which proves to Wil that his worst nightmare is true, that the silent 6 are working together, and he is a bigger threat than Joe.  Joe later went around making sure everyone knew about the plan that Wil and Ashley pitched to Frank trying to get Dan back-doored and making sure they all knew that he had no part in it. Ian had already told Britney and Danielle about Wil and Ashley's attempt to get Frank to do it and that Frank was seriously considering it, because Frank talked at length with Ian about it right after Wil and Ashley left him the night before and Ian did everything to talk Frank out of it as did Boogie yesterday morning right before the ceremony.  ***My heart just breaks for Wil mainly because I am not sure there is a thing he can do to help himself this week, unless he can convince Frank and Boogie that he will do his best to win HOH and do their dirty work for them next week. Come on Wil, at least try***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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  1. Is this the week that jury house starts?

    1. No, not yet! I think they have to send two more people home before they start going to jury. There are usually 7 people in jury and 2 finalists and there are 11 in the house now.
