Friday, August 3, 2012

BB14 Quickie for Aug 3, Endurance Comp Results And Aftermath

This is what everyone looked like about a half an hour in. They also had bird poop sprayed on them!

This was a good hour in and everyone still hanging strong!

Within the next hour, Boogie falls first, then Joe, Jen, Ashley & Dan fall.  Then a bit later Frank falls. Wil & Shane struggle terribly for a while longer and finally can't take it anymore, so Wil falls, then Shane.

After 3 hours in, this leaves Ian, Britney, Janelle & Danielle.  Janelle starts to struggle pretty bad and falls.  Then a while later, Ian and Britney are shivering they are so cold, so they begin to talk deals.  Ian & Danielle both really want this HOH and pictures from home, while Britney just wants to know either way, she's safe.  Ian almost falls and barely catches himself and finally gives in to Danielle with the assurance that he will not be put up or back doored, so he falls.  Then with the assurance of safety for Britney, she falls as well, giving Danielle the win!

Dan jumps in the water and takes Danielle off the wall and swings her around and lays her down in the water, then Shane immediately runs into the water and jumps on top of Danielle and smacks a big kiss right on her! ***Didn't Shane just tell Julie Chen and all of America there would be no more kisses?  I guess this kiss could be considered kissing her butt as well as her mouth, LOL***

Massive Scrambling Immediately Follows the Comp
Everyone is trying to figure out who is with who. Another big deal is that Dan says he got so excited that he ratted out his own player Danielle to Boogie and told him that if he had not hit the button to reset the game, that his boy Frank was going home today.  He admitted that Danielle, and hinted that Wil too, had been lying to Frank all week.  ***I think the reason Dan told was that Boogie was pretty mad that Dan hit the reset button because Boogie wanted to stay as coaches, so Dan told him he knew that if he didn't, Frank would be gone***

Joe, Wil and Ashley are already trying to get all the newbies to go against the coaches and the coaches are already saying they have got to stick together because they are terribly outnumbered.  But in the mix of all this, they are also making sure they are all still good with their original teams. ***This is kind of funny because they are mostly all freaked out about everything that just happened and don't yet know which way they will all turn***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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