Saturday, August 18, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 18, Nominations & The Blame Game

Nominations & The Blame Game
Shane nominated Frank and Boogie for eviction this week. Feeds came back on immediately following, and showed Shane in the HOH room taking zero blame to Boogie and Frank for putting them up.  He completely told them he was only doing what he was told to do by Britney! Shane did tell them that he and Britney were told that Frank & Boogie were coming after them, but again went right back to blaming it all on Britney saying he didn't even want to do it. ***WOW Shane way to throw Britney under the bus.  Grow some balls dude and take responsibility for your own decisions!***

Britney Is Livid
Shane admits to Britney that he kind of blamed her and she is LIVID!  She goes on for several hours about how she was thrown under the bus!  She lets Shane have it for a good long while, then confronts Boogie & Frank trying to get it straightened out, which Boogie set's her straight that she is wasting her breath, so she changes tactics and throws Dan WAY under the bus! Then she goes on to Danielle in a bitch session about how she will not be going down alone for this decision that their entire alliance made together! ***Big Brother lesson for the day... Make sure you're puppet doesn't throw you under the bus and put all the blame on you! LOL***

They Know There's A Rat
After everyone calls out everyone trying to figure out who spread the tales of Frank and Boogie coming after Shane and Britney in the near future, Dan ends up taking the wrap for it all covering for Ian.  Frank and Boogie still have no clue that the real rat is Ian and that they have a "Quack Pack" that was first and foremost  over the "Silent 6".  So, Frank and Boogie are telling the whole house that Dan had a final three deal with them and he sold them out because of his final 4 deal with Britney, Danielle and Shane. ***Talk about a blindside! Boogie and Frank should of struck first last Monday when they had the chance and back-doored Dan, but Boogie truly trusted Dan and is all the more furious for looking like a fool for thinking he was so safe that he went for the money instead of HOH or safety***

POV players have just been picked and they are SHANEFRANKBOOGIEIANJENN, and ASHLEY 

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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