Sunday, August 12, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 12, Zingbot Returns & POV

Zingbot returns and all we saw was just a few seconds and feeds were blocked, but Ian did say what his Zing was when feeds came back on... Ian - For a chemical engineering student, you don't have much chemistry... with the ladies! ZZZIIINNNGGG And they also said that he got Danielle pretty bad as well telling her that Shane has a gift for her after the show... a restraining order! ZZZIIINNNGGG!!!

Frank wins the POV and paranoia abounds in the house.  Shane & Britney are worried that Frank will use it and take out another coach or a bigger threat than Wil, which would be Britney or Shane.  But as for now, as much as Frank wants to make a big power move like Danielle did last week, Boogie thinks it's more important to be known for keeping their word and not go against the silent 6 alliance just yet. ***And yes, believe it or not, Boogie is the one wanting to keep his word and stick to the plan***

Wil Get's Paranoid Too
Wil is now completely realizing that everyone will probably find him the bigger threat over Joe and if nominations stay the same, he is going home.  Everyone decides to play games in the living room for several hours last night, so he doesn't get the chance to talk to anyone but Jenn about it.  Jenn promises him her vote to stay.  Later Jenn pulls Ashley aside and they talk about the fact that every week, they have kept the strong guys in the game, and that this has got to change soon.  They plan a meeting with Frank for tomorrow to discuss the possibility of getting Frank to make a "big move" and backdoor Shane. ***As for now, Frank does want to make a big move, but Boogie has convinced him it is too soon to go against their word, which means that Wil is still the target, so his paranoia is completely legit***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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