Look who's wearing the HOH key around his neck and has a big grin on his face! Frank has done it AGAIN!!! The boy truly must have nine lives! Plus, Frank had to pick one person as a have-not and he chose Dan, LOL!
People Scattering Like The Rats They Are
Boy, oh boy are they scattering now! Every single person is in Frank's ear trying to figure out where the chips will fall! Frank makes it very clear to everyone that Dan is his target and even tells Joe to stay calm because he will not be going after him at all. But the craziest part is that Ian has convinced Frank that he panicked at the last minute and Dan got to him and he got stupid and only did what Dan and the others wanted him to do! I believe Frank knows better than this, but at this point Frank has NOBODY left, so he needs Ian on his side and does truly still love Ian, so it seems that he wants to believe in Ian again and at least give him another chance. Britney is also johnny on the spot talking to Frank about a possible final 3 deal with him and Ian. Frank actually likes this idea as well. Danielle eventually talks to him and also tries to make a final 3 deal with him and Britney and Frank tells her that he has got to break up her and Dan, with Dan being the target, but that she must go on the block or she will be a guaranteed vote for Dan to stay and also because if she won POV she would save him if she wasn't on the block with him, so that is the plan. ***How fast these people all sail Dan down the river!***
To Squeal Or Not To Squeal
After everyone else has talked to Frank last night, accept Dan, Dan is torn between squealing on Ian about the Quack Pack or not. He realizes that it is a double edge sword and might only make things worse for him "turning" on Ian, but on the flip side, Dan is still getting blamed for everything that Ian did and he wants so bad to get that off of him and onto Ian where it belongs, but to also get some of the target off himself as well. ***Dan has not squealed on Ian as of yet, and we will have to wait and see if that happens or not, but I am almost positive when Dan gets desperate, he will pull out all the stops!***
***Something is happening on feeds right this very moment because they were woken up and locked outside very first thing this morning, now feeds have been off the last hour so I am thinking that something is going on that could very well be a Pandora's Box, I will report back when we find out for sure!***
***UPDATE Frank Open's Pandora's Box***
Feeds come back Frank has won $3000 and Ian won a gold ball which gives him the power to veto one of Frank's nominations, but he cannot compete in tomorrow's POV competition. Frank has already told Ian that if he uses the power, he will just put up Britney, so he may as well leave Frank's nominations the same. So, will Ian go against the Quack Pack and send Dan home? Or will Frank realize that if he puts Ian on the block, he will have to use the power on himself and will not be able to save anyone else? Also in every season in past years, there is ALWAYS something bad that happens by opening Pandora's Box, yet as of now, there is nothing "bad" that happened??? ***I personally hope Ian considers not using the power and being the person responsible for getting out TWO past winners within a week!***
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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