Britney Get's Blindsided!
Dan's plan works! Jenn uses the veto and pulls Dan off the block and Frank nominates Britney. There have been fireworks off and on ever since! Ian and Britney were completely blindsided and Ian immediately reacts badly because he is so ticked off and the minute feeds come back on he and Frank are screaming at each other. Britney was more calm at first, but as the situation has settled in, she became very emotional, but then moved onto being very catty and she and Ian both are now not mad at Frank, but have realized that Dan is responsible for it all and Britney had a fun time mocking Dan and trying to egg him on to fight with her, which he will not do. Britney also says she will not be campaigning against Danielle because Danielle is the sweetest, most honest and best person in the game. Britney nor Shane have a clue that Danielle is in on the whole thing and that Danielle is completely lying to her about knowing anything about Dan being saved and they are still feeling sorry for her for Dan telling her she is dead to him! ***Yesterday the Oscar went to Dan, today the Oscar goes to Danielle, hands down!***
Britney Calms Down
Britney finally calmed down and sort of came to her senses last night and even went to Dan and told him that she completely understands why he did what he did. She admits to him that she and Ian did turn to Frank for safety, even before he won the HOH this week, and they were resigned to have Dan leave. So she says she does not blame him and cannot be mad at him for doing what he had to do to save himself. ***I must admit that this is very big of Britney to do, but I do not believe that Britney is done fighting and that she does still have a chance, especially if she can figure out that Danielle is now playing her too!***
Ian Is delusional
Ian was really angry at Frank to begin with when everything went down yesterday, now he's extremely mad at Dan. But what I cannot figure out is that Ian does a LOT of talking to himself kind of out loud, but it is hard to understand everything he is saying, but what bits and pieces we can hear seems pretty delusional. He seems to think that he never stabbed Frank in the back, and is kind of shocked that he won't be working with Frank again? He cannot believe that Frank did this to him and seems to think that what he did putting Frank on the block and being furious because Frank won the POV and saved himself never happened? It is almost as if, he believes his own lies to Frank that there was no such thing as the Quack Pack and that his decision to put up Frank and Ashley were forced on him by other's, especially Dan. ***Ian dear, you seriously need a reality check here! You were a rat for weeks and told EVERYTHING against Frank and Boogie! You stabbed first and expect Frank to trust you again? How does this kid know everything about this show and doesn't understand the concept of the rat always getting caught?***
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Britney Calms Down
Britney finally calmed down and sort of came to her senses last night and even went to Dan and told him that she completely understands why he did what he did. She admits to him that she and Ian did turn to Frank for safety, even before he won the HOH this week, and they were resigned to have Dan leave. So she says she does not blame him and cannot be mad at him for doing what he had to do to save himself. ***I must admit that this is very big of Britney to do, but I do not believe that Britney is done fighting and that she does still have a chance, especially if she can figure out that Danielle is now playing her too!***
Ian Is delusional
Ian was really angry at Frank to begin with when everything went down yesterday, now he's extremely mad at Dan. But what I cannot figure out is that Ian does a LOT of talking to himself kind of out loud, but it is hard to understand everything he is saying, but what bits and pieces we can hear seems pretty delusional. He seems to think that he never stabbed Frank in the back, and is kind of shocked that he won't be working with Frank again? He cannot believe that Frank did this to him and seems to think that what he did putting Frank on the block and being furious because Frank won the POV and saved himself never happened? It is almost as if, he believes his own lies to Frank that there was no such thing as the Quack Pack and that his decision to put up Frank and Ashley were forced on him by other's, especially Dan. ***Ian dear, you seriously need a reality check here! You were a rat for weeks and told EVERYTHING against Frank and Boogie! You stabbed first and expect Frank to trust you again? How does this kid know everything about this show and doesn't understand the concept of the rat always getting caught?***
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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