Wednesday, August 22, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 22, Ashley Gets Busted!

Ashley Gets Busted!
Surprise surprise, of all people Joe has to be the one to go tell Jenn that Ashley is going to vote her out.  Jenn spends the next few hours talking with Danielle, Shane, Britney & Dan and they all get into her head telling her how easily her own team are throwing her away and on and on.  So by the time Ashley comes to talk to Jenn, sensing that things are not right with her, Jenn tells Ashley to "suck it" in front of all the above named people plus Joe.  Ashley breaks down pretty quickly and says that she knew there was a solid four alliance of Danielle, Dan, Shane and Britney and she truly thought that keeping Boogie in was her only chance to "belong" with a team and have a chance in the game.  Jenn finally feels sorry for her because they were very close and pulls her out of the room so they can finally talk in private and they pretty much get everything out, have a good cry and move on. ***I just don't understand why in front of everyone when she was being confronted, why didn't Ashley just say "look around Jenn, these are all the people who put you in this situation and did this to you and I both so we would have to go against each other"?  HELLO!!!***

Ian's In Tears & Joe Says No
The other major happenings in the house last night consisted of Ian breaking down in tears to Britney over voting Boogie out, but says he will go through with it, he just needed an emotional moment to get past it because he totally does respect Boogie and has since he was 10 yrs old.  Meanwhile Joe is finally having the talk with Frank giving him the definite "no" that he will not be keeping Boogie and working with them going forward.  Joe explains that even though he knows the other side are a solid alliance of 4, he believes that Frank & Boogie's solid two are stronger than all 4 of the others.  Frank tries to explain to him that numbers mean everything and that he has a better chance with them, but Joe wants Boogie gone and there is no budging him. ***I think Joe is playing personal and cannot stand Boogie and thinks that if Boogie is gone, he will have the relationship with Frank that Boogie has now!  Keep dreaming Joe. I just hope that they are all smart enough to realize that after getting rid of Boogie, Dan better be next or NONE of them have a chance!  Dan is just as bad as Boogie, he is just way more subtle and smug about it, which makes Dan even more dangerous in my book***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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