Is It Goodbye Wil or Joe?
It looks like it is Goodbye to our Gay Fabio! Wil has tried to game talk a little, mainly just going around asking people where their vote is going, but no major game play or scheming to try and save himself. It seems like he is almost ready to go home. He spent some time last night trying to help Ashley and Jenn figure out what their best moves would be to make it the farthest when he is gone. ***Wil, I will so miss your funny voices and the loads of fun you brought to us live feeders the past 5 weeks, but I won't miss you picking the glue in your lovely hair extensions every minute of every day!***
Shane Says Too Much
Shane, Britney & Danielle all agree since they are sleeping in the have-not room with Joe, they need to take advantage of keeping him in the house and get something out of him, so they all ask him last night who he will be putting up if he wins HOH next week if they keep him, and Shane recommends putting up Frank & Boogie. Britney & Danielle flip out as soon as Shane & Joe get up and leave the room and are furious that Shane has now said too much to Joe and they just know that if one of them don't win the HOH next, Joe will run go tell Frank & Boogie that Shane wants them out. ***Shane you are a cutie patootie, but you are not very bright sometimes***
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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