Can The Quack Pack Survive?
It is possible for all 5 of them to survive this week and Dan has already tried to start in on his manipulations to get that to happen. Basically with Ian winning the golden ball power, he will save one of them, then if Britney or Shane wins the POV, they save the other. Dan is even talking about throwing the POV to Shane or Britney so this can happen. But not only is this a big "if", but Frank would have to be stupid enough to put up Jenn or Joe as a replacement nominee and Frank and Jen have already talked about not trusting Ian and sticking together. Also, Frank has already told Ian that if he uses his power, Britney will be the replacement nominee. So, with Frank even admitting this to Britney, she is absolutely on board and saying it wouldn't be a bad thing to lose Dan this week and even Ian agrees with this. So basically, everything depends on the outcome of the POV competition later today, but if Dan stays on the block, it looks like he is pretty much gone unless Frank is dumb enough to put up Joe.
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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