Monday, August 27, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 27, Dan Works A Miracle

Dan Works A Miracle
This is one DEVIOUS mind at work!!! Dan calls a house meeting for his own Big Brother funeral telling everyone he is resigned to going home this week.  He goes around the room telling everyone things that are great about them all, then after saving Danielle for last, he tells her he thought she had his back, but now knows she didn't and says "you are dead to me!" This breaks Danielle's heart and she has a near emotional breakdown for the next hour while Dan is up in the HOH room talking to Frank sailing Ian down the river, telling Frank everything about Ian being the one that ratted out Frank and Boogie and that he has been working with them since the game reset when the coaches joined the game.  He then convinces Frank that Ian is closest to Britney and that Britney needs to go and to get Jenn to use the POV to save Dan and to put up Britney.  Frank completely goes for it and goes and talks to Jenn and she agrees, meanwhile Dan is smoothing everything over with Danielle, explaining that it was all an act that he had to do and that he didn't mean it and it was all to save them both.  Then Jenn talks to Danielle and it is all a go!

This is Dan talking to all us live feeders this morning and he is almost in as much shock as we are that his whole ploy might actually work!  He says it is all up to Jenn City and that if she makes this move for him, he will be loyal to the final 4 to Danielle, Jenn & Frank!

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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