Wednesday, August 8, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 8, Janelle Thinks She's Safe

Janelle Thinks She's Safe
Janelle constantly spends her time counting all the votes she will have on Thursday.  Sad thing is in reality, she has 1 vote to stay.  The Janelle fans are purely outraged because everyone and I mean everyone is in on the backdoor Janelle train accept for Joe, and most of them have all told her that they will vote for her to stay.  She has mentioned several times that everyone could be lying to her and this could be all a plan to get her out, but she just cannot make herself believe that that is a real possibility, and keeps going back to the possibility that Danielle must be jealous of her. ***I must say that I am totally disappointed in Janelle, and I truly thought she was smarter than this.  She doesn't even think that Shane &  Britney are working with Dan & Danielle or that Frank made any kind of deal to get Janelle put up.  Where is the highly intelligent beauty that almost everyone loved during seasons 6 & 7? There is also the Karma factor involved here because Janelle did in fact come up with the idea to completely blindside Frank last week, and totally let Wil take the fall for the whole thing by himself, but isn't that even more reason for her to see what might be happening to her this week?***

Danielle Has a Meltdown
Danielle pitched a fit last night about Shane giving her mixed signals about their "showmance" which is more of a "nomance".  Shane has made it perfectly clear that she is like his best friend in the house and that is all! she refuses to listen and pushes for him every single night to cuddle and massage each other.  He unwillingly goes through with it every time, but you can tell, the minute he gets a chance, he is out of there! ***I truly think he enjoys hanging out with her and she could not make it any more obvious that she wants him to kiss her and love on her, but he does not, and will not have any physical relations on camera, so she needs to get over it and stop making herself look so desperate.***

They did all have a little fun last night though, some were playing poker and some were having a fun dance session in the back yard. 

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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