Friday, August 31, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 31, HOH Winner & Aftermath

Ian and Shane were the only two left within the first half hour, then after about another hour, Shane can take no more, so he makes a deal with Ian for his and Danielle's safety this week. Ian agree's and is the new HOH. Joe fell first and got the punishment that America voted for on the live show and he must hulla-hoop every time he hears military music for the next 24 hours straight.

Late last night Danielle, Shane and Dan go upstairs and talk to Ian and the Quack Pack is back! (minus Britney) Ian informs them that he wants Frank gone and will be putting up Frank & Jenn and Joe will be the replacement if either win the POV. Ian tells them that Frank made a comment to him that he knew he was working against Frank and Boogie the last 27 days, so he knows that Frank knows he was with Dan, Danielle, Shane & Britney, but apparently Ian hasn't realized that Dan is the one that told Frank everything and all of a sudden, everything is forgiven for Dan and all the blame is now back on Frank. ***So much for Dan even lying to himself about being loyal to Frank & Jenn for saving him, and I have no doubt that when Frank see's that Dan is no longer any target for Ian and Frank is on the block, Frank will make sure that Ian knows who ratted him out!***

Thanks to BBdish - Carolyn for this photo!

Ian just opened Pandora's Box and got Christmas gifts that were toys and Jessie was unleashed on the house and took all their food and only left them with "healthy" type foods such as tofu.  The house also got a new hammock in the backyard. ***I personally believe that the hammock had nothing to do with Pandora's Box though because Ian swings in it all the time and he goes really fast, which made such bad squeaking noises that it interfered with our sound. The new one is so much nicer and is completely silent no matter how fast Ian is moving in it. So this is why I believe they got a new one.***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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