Even though Frank is doing anything and everything possible to still try and sway people, mainly Joe, to vote for Boogie to stay, Boogie has finally admitted defeat and is ready to go home. He has even said kudo's to Dan for completely fooling and blindsiding him. Boogie still has no clue about Ian though and he will be completely floored when he finds out that Ian has played him for weeks now, but I believe the votes will show that there is a rat among them, and unless Ian can convince Frank that Ashley is lying to him, Ian will be busted!

The house guests got a game to practice with for a very short limited time last night and they all are convinced now that it will in fact be a double eviction tonight and this will be one of the 2 HOH competitions.
The second person evicted tonight will be the first person in jury. Basically unless Frank wins HOH he will be the biggest target since the entire house is working against him and Ashley now. If Frank wins HOH, it will be Dan & Shane as the possible second person to walk out the door tonight! But if any of those win the POV that will be played immediately following being nominated, then it could very well be Britney or even Joe.
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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