Monday, August 6, 2012

BB14 Quickie For Aug 6, The Silent 6 Unite!

The Silent 6 Unite
After all the flip-flopping back and forth over the week-end, it looks like Danielle, Dan, Britney & Shane have FINALLY come to a decision.  Janelle tried to approach the other coaches with a deal to work together and Boogie totally called her out on all her lies that she has spread the entire season about him and also put her on the spot about putting up one of her players to go home and Janelle just sat there.  She hardy even defended herself.  And was completely silent when Boogie suggested Joe go on the block instead of Frank. So, Boogie basically proved to Dan & Britney that they all had players in their pockets, and Frank was his only one, when Janelle has Wil, Joe & Ashley and is not willing to give any of them up.

This brings on the change in Dan and Britney, they both seem so impressed with Boogie's candor and straight forwardness that they decide they do want to work with him instead of Janelle, so the plan is on to save Frank and back-door Janelle.  And they decided to call themselves "The Silent 6".  I also learned that the alliance of Britney, Shane, Dan, Danielle & Ian is called "The Rat Pack".  So basically, they have the rat pack alliance within the silent 6 alliance.

POV ceremony has taken place and Danielle did in fact take Wil off the block and put up Janelle!  As soon as feeds came back on, we see Janelle in the HOH room talking to Danielle and telling her she is not mad. ***Are you kidding me?  Janelle this is what got you back-doored, your fake-ness shines through!***

And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day! 

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