This weeks POV comp gives Frank a week in a spirit-tard!

Ian gets to live in a dog house, wear a dog suit and eat and drink out of dog bowls and cannot leave the picket fenced yard area without being walked on a leash by another house guest!

Major House Flip Late Last Night
Danielle won the POV which means that Frank nor Wil can save themselves and Chilltown Part 2 is in full affect again last night! Frank & Boogie come up with the idea to make a 6 person alliance (called The Avengers) with Britney, Shane, Dan & Danielle and to get Danielle to take down Frank and back door Janelle. Danielle and Britney were already so sick of Janelle's antics in the house of sucking up to whoever is HOH, and going to everyone and telling them, so and so said this or that about you. She has truly been a pot stirrer this season and they want her gone, so they are totally buying into the deal with Boogie and Frank! The reason they really think it might work and the reason Boogie wants to call them the Avengers, is because this alliance is truly every strong player in the house and they should be able to dominate the game easily the next several weeks.
Plus, Britney, Shane, Dan & Danielle had previously talked to Ian about being their 5th in their alliance and they talked to him last night and he is on board with back dooring Janelle as well.
Scratch everything I wrote above, they have changed their minds again! They keep going round and round about what to do and Danielle is the HOH, but will only do whatever Dan tells her to do and she just cannot see that Dan and Britney are doing everything in their power to keep Janelle and Boogie in the game!
They will most likely keep flip-flopping back and forth about what to do until they must decide tomorrow morning, so we will just wait and see!
And that is your Big Brother Gab Quickie for the day!
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I still think they should replace Frank with Boogie. He is a bigger threat then Janelle.
ReplyDeleteEither one is good, but I think Janelle is the bigger threat and will be harder to get out, Boogie doesn't win as much.